Saturday, April 23, 2011

Costa Rica - Arenal, Monvteverde, Manuel Antonio, Corcovado

  • Swimming in the hot springs from the Arenal Volcano
  • Zip lines through the forrest canopy and rapelling waterfalls in Monteverde
  • Saw a Sloth in Manuel Antonio
  • Corcovado has 2.5% of the world's biodiversity!
Arenal/La Fortuna
La Fortuna was an incredibly beautiful place and the best thing was the amazing hot springs at the base of the Volcano Arenal. We spent hours swimming in the springs and drinking cocktails at the swim up bar (the best Pina Colada!). The pools range in temperature from cold through to 67 degrees! We were there in the evening so it was a great way to relax.
Infront of Arenal volcano on our hike

The town of Monteverde is tiny and many of the roads are bumpy dirt tracks which makes for an interesting journey into and out of the mountainous area. The main thing to do here is to take a zip line tour of the forrest canopy. I was all brave about it when we were booking the tour. Pay an additional $5 to "superman" the last zip line? Sure, why not! When the time came to actually be attached to the wire at my back I nearly chickened out but, I'm proud to say I did the 1km superman zip line which passes at a height of 800m above a gully! Ok, so maybe I closed my eyes for most of it but at least I did it right?!?

Putting my life in Mark's hand (look at his guns) - literally

Mark coming into land after his superman
(you can see some of the cable in the distance)

While in Monteverde we also decided to do a waterfall rapel tour which battered us around a bit but was amazing! One of the best things we've done. It was basically abseiling down a waterfall which was really difficult. Mark was like spiderman jumping down one of the tallest falls (40m) rather than doing the tiny step by tiny step like I did. At one point I lost my footing and had one foot above me, one below and no idea what to do. Mark's response to my cry of "I'm stuck".....sympathy? No. suggestions of possible alternatives? No he yelled down "just think!". I managed to get out of it with a cut elbow and bruised hip.

Me at the top of the largest waterfall we rapelled
Spiderman Mark rapelling the 40m waterfall

Manuel Antonio
Our couple of days by the beach was very cool but, not the nicest beach we have been too. I guess we're just spoilt with Aussie and Thai beaches.

We stayed at a gorgeous little place 5 mins from the beach near the Manuel Antonio national park. We saw a lot of wildlife there including a Sloth moving in slow motion (as they do). I was very excited about that! Unfortunately, my pictures are pretty bad as it was quite far away and my camera zoom wasn't strong enough but you get the idea.....

Home to 2.5% of the world's biodiversity and the site of Jurrasic Park, we were really excited to visit Corcovado. We stayed in this gorgeous little lodge nestled on the side of a mountain, 800m (steep) walk from the beach. The cabins were very cute, open on 3 sides with only mesh to keep out the creepy crawlies.
We spent a couple of days here. We went snorkelling at Cano Island and were lucky enough to see dolphins on the way. Again, I was like a little kid, so excited to see wild dolphins for the first time!
Despite swimming not being a skill or strength of his, Mark did get in the water. Quite impressive as we were out in fairly deep water which was a bit choppy due to stormy weather. Some of the fish we saw snorkelling reminded me of Finding Nemo.
We also hiked through the national park and saw more wildlife. On our final walk from the lodge to the boat which would take us back to civilisation we finally spotted a Capuchin monkey which we had been hearing from our cabin for a day or so but hadn't been lucky enough to spot.

Corcovado national park

Our cabin

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