Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Uruguay and beyond....

  • Finished Spanish school - yay!
  • Visited Colonia and Montevideo in Uruguay (Love, love, love Colonia)
  • Made it to Puerto Iguazu (via Rosario) and heading to the falls tomorrow (can't wait!)
Spanish School
So, I've finished Spanish school - yay! I got a certificate and everything so I am feeling very proud. Maybe I'll stash it with my other valued certificates (brownie membership, aquaswim cert and my degree...). Anyways, it's a shame that my spanish is still pretty poor but at least I tried.....
Mark decided to do some voluntary work instead of finishing Spanish school (very noble of him I think) so he spent a couple of days packing food parcels for poor neighbourhoods.

On our final day in Buenos Aires we took a tour out to an Estancia to see the famous Argentinian cowboys - Gaucho. It was pretty cool and I even rode a horse......wel, it was more like a pony ride you take when you're five but I was sitting on a horse while it walked around so I call that horse-riding.....

We visited Colonia del Sacremento and Montevideo in Uruguay after leaving Buenos Aires. Taking the ferry across to Colonia from BsAs was fun and something different for us as we hadn't crossed borders by sea before. I loved Colonia!!! I think it's my fave place so far. A coastal town which was so laid back and very very pretty. Defiantely worth a visit for anyone who gets to BsAs.

Unfortunately we had bad weather in Montevideo and I was feeling a bit unwell one of the days so we didn't get to see/do much. One thing we did do is fix a lock on the lock fountain in the new part of town. According to the plaque this means we'll always be together :-) .......yes, I am that lame!!!

Argentina - final destinations
Back in Argentina we went to Rosario for a couple of days. This is the place where the Argentinian flag was first raised back in the 1500's. It's also the birthplace of Che Guevera! Cute little city but very quiet and all the main things to see can be done in a day. We left on our second day and have just arrived in Puerto Iguazu (after taking an overnight bus). I'm so excited to see the falls tomorrow!!!

Will post again soon. Miss you all!!

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